Bridal Shower


There really aren't words to describe how amazing my bridal shower was. This perfect day was jam packed with love and my favorite people...what more could I really ask for?

When Jaime and I got engaged in 2015, Stephanie Vassau reached out and offered to throw me a bridal shower which was just about the sweetest thing ever. I explained that we were doing our civil ceremony and that I was waiting for all my siblings to return from their missions before we would host a "wedding" and other festivities. Flash forward two years later and Stephanie was still so kind to plan the best bridal shower I could have EVER dreamed of. This woman is beyond talented. 

She has the best taste when it comes to hosting and interior design. I love all the detail because it is unique, modern, elegant, bohemian, classic, simple...I could go on and on with adjectives here. Stephanie has known me since I was in 3rd grade and I still remember the first time I met her. We met the first day I went to church on Mercer Island when my mom offered for Garret and I to sing (against our will) in primary. I have memories of Stephanie tearing up and being so kind to make us feel special and thanked for singing. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of babysitting for her and being close to her family, husband Stewart and four wonderful boys. 

How cute are these invites!?

We met a few months before to brainstorm some ideas for the shower. I told Stephanie to let me know how I could be helpful but she insisted that she had it all together! She just wanted my mothers to enjoy being a guest and wanted me to relax and have a good time! I helped Izzy brainstorm some ideas for games (if you know know my type...keepin' it classy has always been my motto).

The morning of I was of course rushed to get to Mercer Island and I90 was closed to one lane. I also tried to steam part of my dress last minute (while it was on) my and completely fried my hip, oops. I picked up Ma (my mother in law) and nearly gave her a heart attack on the drive over. She said "It's better to go slow and get there alive than not get there at all!" Poor Ma must have felt like she was on a roller coaster. Maraea saved my tush and picked up my flower crown from DeLaurenti florist in Eastgate that Cami so graciously helped me find. Even from across the country my sister in law is still so helpful despite having a little one to chase around! I will admit, I have wanted an excuse to wear a flower crown for a while and this couldn't have been a better event! So thanks Cami! You couldn't have helped me find a better florist! Funny enough they ended up seeing my photos on social media and wanted to use the picture on their website. 


When I got to the shower I couldn't stop smiling. All of my favorite people were together in one place! Some of these women have been my best friend since grade school, known me for over ten years, mentored me throughout my career, roomed with me in college, taught me how to water ski, currently work with me at the hospital, workout with me at the gym or are just loving family members. 

We first had a blessing on the food and then enjoyed the most delicious brunch. I told Stephanie that I loved the French cuisine idea and this was spot on! 





Stephanie had everything together for the shower and even ordered a heated tent to keep us cozy in case it rained. Also how adorable is this cake!? Izzy knew my favorite: vanilla cake with strawberry filling. She lit the candle and had me make a wish but I laughed and said "I already have everything I need!" 

During dinner we got to chat and Izzy and Rosy announced the games. 

The first game was called "Who knows the #Silvastory best?" There were 25 questions about Jaime and me. He had previously filled out his answers and I filled them out alongside the rest of the ladies. After we were finished, Rosy and Izzy went through each of the answers with the "he said she said" version. It was really fun to see what Jaime had to say and how some of our answer were the same....or totally not, lol. Ruby placed first, Moni placed second and Melanie placed third! Fun fact! I won at Mel's shower so I told her no pressure but she had to do the same! Strong work ladies. For prizes they got my favorite water bottle that says "You are gold baby solid gold" or a jewelry holder and the most yummy Sugarfina sweets from, where else, Nordstrom.



The next game we played was called "Who Am I." Each guest wrote a memory on the piece of paper and Maraea read them aloud to the group. I had to try and guess who wrote the memory and if I couldn't guess the correct person, they got to pick an extra EOS lip balm! Melanie and Tia Nilda completely stumped me. Tia Nilda shared a sweet story about the day I carried my Grandma Maria up and down our stairs to the bathroom and I don't even remember what Melanie stumped me on. It was that hard! My moms memory was the most obvious because she was crying the entire time it was read and of course she wrote four memories instead of one.


We then played the ring game. Izzy hid 25 rings around the house and we had 5 minutes to hunt them down! The winner with the most rings (which was Annicka) won the mug that says "I woke up like this." Everyone that had a ring had a task "to do." They either had to share a favorite memory with me, imitate my worst dance move (awkward), try and guess my greatest pet peeve, etc. Izzy came up with some great (and embarrassing) ideas.

The last game was ongoing and was a guessing game to see how many taffy's were in the jar. Emma won and got to take home the prize!

We had so much playing games and enjoying lunch that we didn't have time to open gifts but you can bet I did that the second I got home! I was overwhelmed the generosity of the gorgeous gifts and I have to admit that these ladies know me wayyyyy to well!

I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do for my bridal showers and of course, Izzy came to the rescue with the perfect idea! My favorite treats are called muddy buddies. She gave me the idea to make a batch for each person with a little tag saying "Thank you for being my buddy!" Moni and Izzy helped me make a massive amount of these delicious treats for the shower favors. I think I consumed about a fourth of the batch in the process but it all worked out. I also bought a bunch of my favorite EOS lip balm. My little sign said "Grab a bag and some balm."

I'm so grateful to have such wonderful, kind and strong women in my life. I got teary eyed looking around the room and thanking everyone for coming to my shower and of course to Stephanie for making it possible. I wouldn't be where I am today without each of these women and my heart is so full for their continuous love and support. I only hope I can "pay it forward" and give a even a fraction of the love I have felt on to others.





Jaime was so cute and stopped by the bridal shower at the beginning to drop off Moni and to say hi to Stephanie and the ladies...then he ran off before I even got to give him a kiss goodbye! He said he felt like there were "way too many ladies in there and I didn't know what to do."

Thanks again to everyone for making my day so special!


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